AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility for Students)




“Om Suastiastu”.

The primary objective of ISI Denpasar is to produce intelligent, comprehensive, and competitive graduates who can play significant roles in the global stage. Our first and foremost concern is to seek an effort in order to supply students with a comprehensive insight, international orientation, and capability in appreciating ideas and opinions of other.

In order to facilitate students with a global perspective, we should not only provide them with the use of foreign language as a mean of learning process, provision of textbooks and internet access facilities, but we should also facilitate them with the opportunity to have direct experience in interacting with students and society in other countries.

Through the opportunity to interact with students and communities directly, it is expected that students will gain added value through the increasing harmonization of hard skills and soft skills. Pradim change in quality education, networking, and innovation will be result of new learning experience within the framework of self-development which contributes positively to national development. But admittedly, the opportunity of study abroad is costly and usually undergone through the complex system.

In order to ensure the implementation of this program, we took the initiative to arrange a Guide 2015 for AIMS Program which is expected to become beneficial for all parties, the program can be carried out successfully, and it can be a reference for the stakeholders in implementing the program.

“Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om”


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