1. Practical Experience

We offer many practical learning experiences both within and outside the classroom. Students are provided extensive opportunities to explore their talents including by participating a numerous art and cultural projects under supervision of professional teachers with quality arts practicum system. That is driven by students and their shared passion to make a positive impact on pressing art and cultural issues in our community


There are over 2000 students enrolled at ISI who are not only from the capital Denpasar and Bali but from all areas in Indonesia and around the world. On campus there is everything that you need-from medical centre, counseling centre, and cafeterias. ISI’s cultural environment has an ever changing, vibrant, dynamic program of performances, lectures and associated cultural activities and our museum and art gallery have permanent and fabulous exhibitions

3. Overseas Experience

All students are offered opportunities unevenly to have overseas cultural visit experiences which comprise to attend international seminars, workshops, performances, and exhibitions. Such opportunities can give students extensive insight, knowledge, and memorable experience which last for a life time.

4. Job Opportunities

You can be confident that your ISI degree will be an investment in your future-both financially and intellectually. ISI graduates consistently gain full time employment at a higher rate than graduates from other universities in Bali. Our graduates achieve their aspirations as professionals dancer, musician, puppeteer, photographer, designer, and even a teacher of any field of arts

5. Multicultural Backgrounds

At ISI you will be mixing with students who come from multicultural background and those who have very high caliber talents and capabilities in all fields of arts. Our students become our primary concern first and foremost. Our students are not only coming from Southeast Asia, but also from many countries all over the world; Asia, Africa, Australia, America, and Europe.

6. Excellent Learning

We have customized and standardized our curriculum nationally and fitted to the demands of people internationally. We offer the best and excellent learning ever with professional faculty members of those who have extensive experiences and high capabilities in the field of art sciences.

7. Compatible Facilities

Campus facilities are becoming a significant aspect in order to support all learning processes. At ISI the students are spoiled by compatible facilities of which are including, class rooms, studios, libraries, Laboratories, medical centre, internet centre, cafeterias, and all other indispensable facilities.

8. Location

We acknowledges that we are situated on the island of Bali and that Balinese people remain the spiritual, art and cultural custodians of their island and continue to practice their values, language, beliefs, and knowledge. Since 1967, we have helped shape the careers of numerous graduates

9. Innovation

We are making widespread changes to courses and the student experience. These changes are designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in our changing world. We provide you with everything you need to know about studying at one of Indonesian leading teaching, learning and research institutions.

10.Helps and Supports

We offer you all the supports and helps you might need to ensure that you complete your studies with the least amount of difficulties, obstacles, and stress. Our International Division consistently supports you with all indispensible information, and you may feel free to contact one of them at any time


We are running academic or vocational programs of studies in a group of disciplines of arts science. At the moment we organize both undergraduates and graduate program. The objective of these programs of studies are to produce academic and professional manpower in the field of performing arts, fine arts and design, who  can independently cope with problems on arts in detail and  in general.

The graduates of these programs of studies have the ability to: (1) comprehend the scientific basis and artistic knowledge to support their skill; (2) gain knowledge and skill, and also basic values of art to reach professionalism in their study; (3) apply scientific basis in the field of art and express themselves in work of arts and paper; (4) carry out research on the field of arts.

The education is carried out through all programs of studies based on the curriculum of which is partly or totally organized flexibly and evaluated periodically. It is discharged owing to the knowledge, technology, and art are changing dynamically. It also refers to the demand and need of the society. The student’s activities and their improvement are evaluated periodically in the form of examination, assignment, and also observation by the lecturers. The examination is organized and classified into semester tests, comprehensive test, and thesis examination.

We employ 217 professionals and qualified lecturers. They graduated from some local and international universities. Locally i.e. STSI Denpasar, Udayana University, UGM, ITB, ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Surakarta and other Universities in Indonesia. There are 48 of them with undergraduate qualifications, 157 with master qualifications, and 12 with doctorate qualification. In order to improve the quality of education, there are 64 lecturers are still undertaking their study on master and Doctorate qualification in Indonesia and overseas.

The campus still invites some specialists in arts science (artists and cultural observers) to teach the students. Every year 20 specialists are invites in all programs of studies both in the Performing Arts and Fine Arts and Design Faculties. On the other hand, 134 administrative staffs are in charged to support teaching, research, and social services technically and administratively.

It is a great time to pursue your passion for performance, design, fashion, or photography. In Bali, the creative and cultural industries represent the second largest sector of the economy. They also account for nearly eight per cent of total employment. Worldwide, they are a major engine of economic and social growth and innovation, and they need your remarkable talent.

Learning with us opens doors to an astonishingly wide choice of careers. Our entrepreneurial graduates can be found in every part and at every level of the creative and cultural sectors, from heads of government office to self-employed practitioners. The education and student experience we provided will help you seize the opportunities available whichever place you choose to live and work in after graduatin

Our programs of studies will challenge you, stimulate original thinking and rigorously develop your talent. They will also support and prepare you for the world beyond study. Right from the start, we seek to develop your career-relevant skills, knowledge and experience. This ranges from advice on protecting your intellectual property and funding your start-up business, to paid internship with key industry players.

Coming to the institute is also about so much more than the career path you decide to follow after you graduated. We are one of the world’s largest creative communities, with thousands of students, lecturers, technicians, and more than 6000 alumni. By joining us in Bali you will have unrivalled opportunities to stretch your horizons, be inspired by new ideas and collaborate with people from a diverse range of backgrounds all in a globally renowned cultural city.

Find the right course for you and to learn how we can support you during your time here. You can also hear what our students, graduates, teaching and technical staff have to say and see some of dynamic work produced here. We look forward to welcoming you to Bali to start your own success story.

We offer you the most vibrant and dinamic learning environment ever..!!!


Our experiences will lead you to pursue your future goal….!!!

We commit in organizing and managing educational programs of art and culture.  Our Institute is more than a learning environment, a home, a workplace, an art and cultural experience. Over this time, we have established an excellent reputation for providing highly qualified and experienced educational and professional leaders drawn from government, community and industry to support our programs.

Whether you are aspiring to be a dancer, musician, photographer or designer, you will get a first-class education with us and earn one of the most highly regarded degrees in Indonesia. Education engages with international partners focuses on building local in-country capacity and achieving sustainable improvements in education.

As an ISI student, you will have access to the highest standard of teachers and researchers and will also benefit from our creative, progressive approach to learning and research.

Indeed, it is a great opportunity to extend professional and educational knowledge and increase your career potential, as well as your professional and personal growth. This will provide an excellent opportunity for networking with our professionals, who demonstrate world’s best practice.

We can assure you that your education will be well organized and successful. You will notice as you explore all the opportunities available to you at ISI that we have made widespread changes to our overseas and student experience. The world is changing rapidly and so are leading universities.

Structures that worked well for many years may not be as appropriate in the future. Therefore, a strategic framework in order to achieve the ultimate art and cultural center of excellence on the institutional development scheme has committed. The development scheme in the five years ahead would be stressed on educational qualities, researches, and social services.

The momentum of professional education has created a world where you must be equipped for further learning in order to succeed. Our campus is renowned for its vibrant social, cultural and art and cultural life as well as its beauty.

By choosing us as your study destination, you work towards a qualification with international recognition. Due to the unique ISI experience, our graduates do not leave ISI with a degree only. You will attain a wide circle of lifelong friends and a sense of achievement that will empower you for the rest of your life.

You work towards a qualification with international recognition…!!!


Our campus committed to build a strong relationship, connectivity, and partnership in terms of education, research, and social services with other universities both locally and internationally for the sake of education improvement. We emphasize that in cases of building, preserving, empowering, and developing knowledge, technology, and arts. It has been also discharged in terms of arts advancement, research, scholarship, etc. The relationship, connectivity, and partnership with overseas universities have been established with lecturers and students exchange in academic activities, scientific meeting, performing arts, grant, scholarship, etc., such as :

No Institution No Institution
1. Asian Culture Council 16. Monash University
2. The Ford Foundation 17. Northern Territory University Darwin
3. Japan Foundation 18. The University of Western Australia
4. Kanda University, Japan 19. University California Los Angeles (UCLA)
5. Tokyo University of Arts 20. University of Hawaii
6. Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Japan 21. Brown University
7. Indonesian Embassy Phnom Penh 22. Swarthmore College
8. Royal University of Fine Art, Cambodia 23. Mills College
9. UPSI of Malaysia 24. Royal Conservatory Copenhagen Denmark
10. Suratthani Rajabhat University 25. San Diego State University (SDSAU)
11. Songkhla Rajabhat University 26. University of British Columbia
12. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University 27. University of Montreal Canada
13. Balai Bahasa Indonesia in Perth, AUS 28. University of South Africa
14. The University of British Columbia 29. Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia
15. The College of Holly Cross, USA 30. Alliance Françoise

Equality, mutual understanding, and respect to foster international networks, cooperation, partnerships, and connectivity


The Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar is a government art institute under direction of the Directorate General of Higher Education on behalf of Ministry of Education and Culture. It was established based on the Presidential Decree No.33/2003 of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, May 26, 2003. It constituted the Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Denpasar/an Indonesian college of arts to be integrated with The Program Studi Seni Rupa dan Desain (PSSRD) Universitas Udayana / a fine art and design program of Udayana University.

Originally, the ISI Denpasar was established as an Indonesian dance academy which was widely renowned as Akademi Seni Tari Indonesia (ASTI) Denpasar.

It was founded based on the Governor’s Decree No. 2/Pem/5/I/a/1967 of the Government of Bali, January 28, 1967 on the initiative of the Advisory Council and Cultural Development (known as Listibya) in accord with prevention, conservation, exploration, reconstruction, supervision, fostering and development of Balinese culture.

The interaction between culture and technology is increasingly developed; on the contrary, many artists passed away which affected particular Balinese art forms caught into extinction. Therefore, it needs to organize an art education for the young generations as the inheritors and saviors of the national cultures.

The ASTI Denpasar then received its status as a state-managed institution after two years term from the Department of Education and Culture with the Decree No. 066/1969 dated 7 August 1969. ASTI Denpasar was declared a department of ASTI Yogyakarta of which management was handled by Directorate General of Culture and due to changes occurred within the organization of Department of Education and Culture.

Since 1976 the management of ASTI Denpasar was administered by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of Education and Culture as well as the supervision was directed to the formation of the Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI) together with other art academies throughout Indonesia.

By the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.0445/0/1998 the status of ASTI Denpasar was then upgraded into the Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Denpasar/an Indonesian college of arts. Establishment of the STSI Denpasar was reinforced by President Decree No.22/1992. Finally, it was then completely integrated with PSSRD Udayana into ISI Denpasar on July 28, 2003.

The ceremonial inauguration and the establishment of ISI Denpasar were marked with inscriptional sign, wherein the Minister of National Education Prof. Drs. Malik Fadjar, MSc was directly acted as the signatory. Since the establishment of ASTI / STSI Denpasar and PSSRD Udayana University until upgraded to ISI, the Institute has been experienced several periods of leaderships.

Our integration into ISI is the most memorable milestone.


Since 1967 when ISI was ASTI Denpasar, it has been experienced several periods of leadership successions till for period of 2017. However, through such experiences ISI is now a lot stronger and flourished as the world of education is as well changing rapidly. In the future ISI is believed to be able to play significant roles on the developments of science, technology, and art matters. The cycle of those leadership successions can be depicted in the following table;

No Name Position Period
1. I Wayan Mertha Sutedja, BA. Director of ASTI Denpasar 1967 – 1978
2. Dr. I Made Bandem., MA. Director of ASTI Denpasar 1978 – 1986
3. Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, MA. Chairman of STSI Denpasar 1986 – 1997
4. Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dibia, SST., MA. Chairman of STSI Denpasar 1997 – 2002
5. Dr. I Wayan Rai S., MA. Chairman of STSI Denpasar 2002 – 2004
6. Drs. Anak Agung Rai Kalam Chairman PSSRD Udayana 1983 – 1991
7. Drs. I Made Subrata.,M.Si. Chairman PSSRD Udayana 1991 – 1999
8. Drs. Nyoman Sukaya. Chairman PSSRD Udayana 1999 – 2004
9. Prof. Dr. I Wayan Rai S., MA. Rector of ISI Denpasar 2004 – 2008
10. Prof. Dr. I Wayan Rai S., MA Rector of ISI Denpasar 2009 – 2013
11. Dr. I Gede Arya Sugiartha, S.Skar., Hum Rector of ISI Denpasar 2013 – 2017


We have been experiencing a fairly long period of leadership successions; we all aspire to put ISI in the forefront line of educational development.


As one effort to accomplish the aims of education, we should be able to take up position at the first line during the quality development of art higher education. Therefore, to participate during the improvement of art and culture excellences, it is necessary for us to develop activity program oriented on arts creation and studies, which internationally recognized. In order to establish the effort, we posse visions and missions as bellow in turns.


Our vision is to become the excellent center of creation, research, provider and arts preservation based on national insight in order to enrich humanism values in accord with the development of age. By the year 2020 our vision is to become the art and cultural center of excellence based on local wisdom with universal conception.


  • Carrying out quality higher education in order to explore and develop plurality and multicultural aspects of national local culture to raise competitiveness within global era.
  • Producing moralist, creative, unbeatable, excellent and independent graduations.
  • Increasing researches and community services to support education and development of art, science, and technology.
  • Developing a sustainable inter-institutional cooperation.
  • Strengthening institute organization to achieve optimal result for anticipating the development of the environment.

To flourish those vision and missions, we are increasing our roles, especially in developing Balinese art and culture and also for archipelago, South East and World’s art and culture in general. Our programs are conducted within global perspective to explore the richness of Balinese arts and cultures. Those programs are expected to produce creative and innovative artworks based on knowledge and technology with high values of culture and local genius. Therefore, we will be able to participate actively, in improving the higher education quality to create tolerant communities of arts within diversity, peaceful and humanities value.


The education in arts science is expected to produce academic and professional individuals in the field of dance, music, puppetry, fine art and design that are capable of dealing with the general art problems independently and in detail. Therefore, the graduates of these programs of studies are able to:

  • Comprehend the scientific basis and artistic knowledge to support their skill.
  • Gain knowledge and skill, and also basic values of art to reach professionalism in their study.
  • Apply scientific basis in the field of art and express themselves in work of arts and paper.
  • Carry out research on the field of arts.
  • Creating and presenting diverse ideas into various forms of art and presented according to ethical, moral, and academic stages.
  • >Reviewing and analyzing diverse phenomena of art and culture.
  • Presents all sort of art works creatively, innovatively, and
  • Develop entrepreneurship in managing arts and cultural activities.

Through the specified educational objectives, we have established strong commitment which addresses all aspects of the institute interests wherein the student’s development become our first and foremost concern. We need to do more beneficial and extensive actions in the future in order to achieve our educational objectives. However, supports and active roles from all parties are absolutely required and welcomed.


1. Moto


” Sewaka Guna Widya Satyam Siwam Sundaram “


It desscribes our duty or morally obligations in order to develop science, technology, and art based on truth, greatness, and beauty. Through this meaningful motto, all of our academicians work untiringly and sincerely supporting each other in order to make sure that everyone perform the duty or obligation very well.

The duty or obligation of which is in Sanskrit called as dharma is absolutely upholded by our people and all academician as the major consideration. This dharma is believed to lead all being toward the success and eternal happiness.

2. Logo 

Our official symbol is renowned as Çiwa Nataraja. It is definitely a sublime and transcendental manifestation of the Lord Śiva Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the Vedic science He is stated as the creator, protector, and the destroyer of all aspects in the material world and to all living beings. He is the supreme inspiration in arts creation as He is absolutely the creator of dance, art and culture. Moreover, He is ascribed as the top most sublime and transcendental personality of Godhead with His four armed manifestation.

Śiva’s Arms 

  1. Left Backarm : Pustaka Suci (holy book); as the symbol of education.
  2. Left Forearm : Sitar(resemble to guitar/violin; as the symbol of art and culture.
  3. Right Forearm : Genitri (rosary); as the symbol of union and education power.
  4. Right Backarm : Cemeti (whip); stimulant and control of science.


Çiwa                   = Siva / The Lord Śiva (similar in meaning).

Nataraja             = The supreme dancer, the creator, the god of dance.

Çiwa Nataraja     = The Lord Śiva is a supreme dancer, the creator, and

the god of dance.

The Lord Śiva on His sublime and transcendental manifestation is also described as a supreme personality of the Godhead who stands on a gong (as a symbol of the echoes of art, science, and technology); and the gong itself is underpinned by a big turtle (as symbol of the world’s balance).

The sacred lotus describes as the effulgence of the Lord which is indicating the greatness of art, science, and technology.  Meanwhile, the nimbus encircling it symbolizes the supreme power of the Lord Śiva. In addition, the basic purple color symbolizes sincerity and love. Last but not least, the golden color is the grandeur of the art, science, and technology.


1. Institute

The institute official flag is set in a red background color with the institute official logo is placed at the center of the flag in a gold color. It is officially set in 3 (three) to 2 (two) total size. It is often displayed during several appropriate occasions especially on graduation or other academic ceremonies.

2. Faculty of Performing ArtS

The Faculty of Performing Arts official flag is set in a pink background color with the institute official logo is placed at the center of the flag in a gold color. It is officially set in 3 (three) to 2 (two) total size. It is often displayed during several appropriate occasions especially on graduation or other academic ceremonies.

3.  Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design official flag is set in a pink background color with the institute official logo is placed at the center of the flag in a gold color. It is officially set in 3 (three) to 2 (two) total size. It is often displayed during several appropriate occasions especially on graduation or other academic ceremonies.

The official flags of ISI Denpasar are shown as above reflect the spirit of our people to foster and to develop art education. This spirit is a driving force toward our bright future goal for being the center of excellence of art and culture. Through this magnificent spirit of our people, we believe that we will be able to abide a prominent place in the forefront of art educational development. In addition, we commit to reform and transform our courses which are fitted to the demands of the people internationally, to develop our facilities and infrastructures, and to enhance our human resources toward standardized, qualified, capable, and professional personalities.


The Hymn of The Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

G= do, 4/4                                           Song and lyric
Slow and Steady
(Maestoso Grandioso)            Composed by .Drs. IGBN. Panji


The Mars of The Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Best=do, 4/4                                                      Song and Lyric

(Dimarcia)                                          Composed by :  IGBN Ardjana


The Çiwa Nataraja

The Çiwa Nataraja is a master dance of the Institute, of which is commonly carried out and performed by 9 (nine) female dancers. A dancer embodies and acts as the Lord Śiva, while eight (8) other dancers embody and act as the bright effulgence of the Lord Śiva.

This dance is a compatible fusion between Balinese and several elements of Bharata Natyam dance from India, which have been extracted and reconstructed into its total entirety. Çiwa Nataraja itself is the manifestation of the Lord Śiva Himself, or the personality of Godhead as the Supreme Dancer. Being a god of dance, he constantly moves leading to the rhythm and regularity in the cosmos.

This master dance describes the effulgence of the Lord Śiva as the supreme powers, and then those supreme powers are accumulated into a supreme unity of which causing and creating the creatures in the universe. This master dance is often performed together with the institute Hymn and Mars in several occasions of academic ceremonies. Dance Composer: N.L.N. Swasthi Widjaja, and Music Arr: I Nyoman Windha.


1. Executive


The Institute executive is consisted of a Rector and 4 (four) Deputy Rectors. Rector is a person who responsible to manage and lead the organization of education, research, and social services.

In addition, he is also playing significant roles in order to foster capabilities of faculty members, staffs, and students, besides, strengthening the relationship and connectivity among people at ISI environment. In performing his responsibility, Rector is assisted by the Deputy Rectors of which are consisted of; Deputy Rector I, Deputy Rector II, Deputy Rector III, and Deputy Rector IV. Deputy Rector I responsibles for all sorts of academic affairs, and he has to constantly offer assistance unto the Rector in terms of education, learning, research, and social services management. On the other hand, the Deputy Rector II responsibles for the general administration affairs in order to give administrative supports unto the Rector in terms of general administration activities and financial management.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Rector III responsibles for all matters of student’s affairs of which encompass student management, activities development, services and counseling management. Last but not least, the Deputy Rector IV responsibles for offering assistance unto the Rector in terms of both local and International cooperation management.

2. Senate


Institute Senate is the highest normative assembly at the Institut Seni Inodnesia (ISI) Denpasar. The institute senate is occupied by several representatives and professors of all programs of studies. Meanwhile, the Rector, Deputy Rectors and the Deans of both Faculties are automatically and ex-officially act as the Institute Senate members. In Addition, the Rector who ex-officially acts as a member is then appointed to take up position as the chairman of the institute senate with unanimous consents. The institute senate is dealing with its primary tasks, namely: formulate academic policies and development., assessment of academic achievement, aptitude and academicians personality.,  formulate norms and benchmarks of higher education., give consideration and approval of the proposed budget revenue and expenditure., assess Rector accountability for the implementation of policies that have been set., formulate regulations of the implementation of academic freedom, academic forum, and scientific autonomy., give consideration to the rector regarding to the proposed candidates to be appointed as the Rector and lectures who will be nominated held academic positions above lector level (associate professors)., uphold and enforce applicable norms for academic society., confirm for awarding an honorary doctorate in accordance with the applicable legislation.

3.  Academic Implementation Unit

Art Equipments Service Center;is a supporting element of academic, research, and social service, which has the task of providing art equipment services and maintanences

>> Faculty

It is an Institute academic implementation unit that carries out some tasks and functions of the Institute to manage right across undergraduate programs of studies under direction of the Rector. Faculty is led by the Dean who is assisted by the Deputy Deans comprising of Deputy Dean I of Academic Affairs, Deputy Dean II of General Administration Affairs, and Deputy Dean III of Student Affairs. The Dean lead the implementation of education, research, social service, fostering educational personnel, students, administrative staff and faculty administration and is responsible to the Rector. At the moment, we are organizing 2 (two) faculties namly; the Faculty of Performing Arts, and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design



>> The Graduate Program

The Graduate Program is an academic implementation unit that carries out some tasks and functions of the Institute to manage right across programs of studies under direction of the Rector. Graduate program is led by the Director and assisted by Director Assistants and administration unit. Academic implementation unit of the program of study is led by a Head of the program of study. We are organizing a single graduate program of study at the moment, namely Art Creation and Art Reasech Program of Study. However, we endeavor to develop our resources in order to reach possibilities to open many more graduate programs of studies of not only master but also including doctorate levels in the future according to the rapid changing world and the increase of the demand of the societies

>>  The Center for Research and Social Service Institute;

The Center for Research and Social Service Institute of the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar is an academic implementation unit in order to coordinate, monitor, and assess the implementation of research activities which are conducted by the research center and participating to seek and control the administration of the necessary resources. The Institute Center for Research and Social Services of ISI Denpasar has several research centers as follows;

  • Research Center of Traditional Arts.
  • Research Center of New Art Creations.
  • Research Center of Design.
  • Center of Social Services.

Faculty, Graduate Program, and Center for Research and Social Service Institute

4.  Administrative Implementation Units

ISI Denpasar has two bureaus of administration for providing administrative services in the academic matters, student, planning, cooperation, general administration, and financial affairs. Administrative bureaus consist of;

  • Bureau of Academic Administration, Student, and Cooperation Affairs.
  • Bureau of General Administration and Financial Affairs

These two Bureaus of Administration are act as the administrative implementation units supported by several sections and subsection units or division and subdivision units in order to carry out quality services in academic matters, student, planning, cooperation, general administration and financial. The Bureau of Administration is led by the Head of Bureau.


5. Technical Implementation Units


  • The Library Center; is an academic supporting element that provides all sorts of references and audio-visual materials for educational purposes, research, and development of science, technology, arts, and social services for the entire academicians.

  • The Computer Center; is a supporting element in the field of academic and administrative activities that provide computerized services, collection and processing of data, and preparation of documents and information materials.

  • The Publishing Center; is a supporting element of academic, research, and social services which have the task of publishing books, textbook, journals, magazines and other scientific works as well as art works in the form of recorded audios and visuals.


  • The Art Documentation Center; is a supporting element of academic, research, and social services, which has the task of dealing with the collection of the art hardware from various fields of art in order to broaden and deepen their knowledge of academic society and community.
  • The Event and Exhibition Center; is a supporting element of academic, research, and social services which has the task of organizing performances, exhibitions, researches, and provide information on actual events, workmanship and art researches to the public.
  • Art Equipments Service Center; is a supporting element of academic, research, and social service, which has the task of providing art equipment services and maintanences



We serve you to the real world  of arts…!!!




Since the establishment of ISI Denpasar in 2003, we have experienced a wide range of dynamic moments in the implementation of the institute functions in order to develop skill and character as well as dignified civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, besides, developing students’ potentials to become a sublime people with noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become a democratic citizens in a high responsibility. In the era of globalization, art institute are faced with the opportunities and challenges that continue to change rapidly likewise the decline of the nation’s character. Art is believed to be capable as a prime impetus in establishing the character of the nation. Through education we need to build a “virtual foundation” resulting in Indonesian people who has identity and be proud as a citizen of Indonesia. The virtual foundation is a foundation that is not visible or invisible, firmly imprinted on every citizen of Indonesia, such as ideology, philosophy, and the noble values of nation’s culture in conception unity in diversity. Education of arts can be used for the development of the cultural education and nation’s character. Art is the expression of the human soul (person / group), which successfully manifested into art forms such as performing arts, visual arts and design, literary, and recording  media. The Art form can be achieved after a search process from varied ideas to the further process till the result can be met. Art has the beauty of form and content. The beauty of form is a form of art itself, while the beauty of the content is noble values contained therein. Education has the responsibility of leading the effort to produce a civil society which is characterized by democracy, autonomy and awareness of culturally diverse in one nation.

Indonesian society has a very high diversity of cultural value, not only as an expression of aesthetic value but as a statement of life with a philosophical significant, so that it blends in life. When the form of artistic expression changed, then this change can be interpreted as a change in the attitude of life in society. Therefore, thus ISI is determined to be a source of renewing inspiration at the same time as the spirit of unifying force of the nation. In response to the level of the nation’s cultural diversity, we are as a driving force of creation and research, we requires to widen access unevenly through education, research, and community services of which that those are part of our social responsibility. In addition, the demands of the society is increasingly developed, Therefore, we are obliged to produce high quality graduates who are able to be independent in the world community association, to play an active role in controlling changes in art and culture, to produce work that is able to boost the nation’s excellence, as well as giving impact on economic growth in supporting the national development. We have a great opportunity to play an active role in regional development based on our strategic excellence. We required collateral management arrangements towards independence in determining policies that include education, research, and community service in order to portray an optimal strategic excellence. New arrangement which is based on the principle of self-reliance is as the tools in facilitating the implementation of roles and fulfillment of expectations.

This independence is also necessary to realize our effective institution, qualified and efficiency in the transparent and accountable management. As one of the arts institute of which is located in eastern part of Indonesia, we should be able to be in the forefront of the arts education development quality. Therefore, in order to increase the participation of cultural artistic excellence, we need to develop programs and activities to be oriented toward internationally recognized institute of art by always fostering the prosperity, security and welfare of Indonesian society in particular and humanity in general.



1. Philosophy

Our existence appeared from conservation efforts as a form of our devotional act unto the community. The consideration is assimilated and harmony with the cultural pattern of the society. Thereby, the existence is being eternal and being able to give greater results and benefits for the community

2. Basic Principles
  • Universality of the art and the beauty as well as the subjectivity of appreciation in
  • order to achieve the true reality, aesthetic quality, and moral aesthetic.
  • Academic freedom was conducted very wise with high responsibility.
  • Civilization, utility, happiness, humanity and welfare.
  • Actualization of values of state ideology in academic life.
  • Superior undergraduate education.
  • Research and community service quality.
  • Independent management, transparency, efficiency, and the institution priority.
  • Centralized administration that supports academic decentralization
3. Basic Valuess
  • Personality, honest, fair, integrity, and polite.
  • Creative, innovative, dynamic, effective, efficient and qualified.
  • Independent, open and accountable, and Insightful on local, national, regional, and global
4. Outcomes Education is subjected to produce graduates;

>> Competent, faithful, and righteous.

  • Responsible for the welfare of the community
  • Has the academic and professional capability.
  • Capable in implementing, developing and enriching the art insight, science and technology.
  • High integrity and vision on the local culture, national, regional, and global.
  • Independent, creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial.

>> Research and community service;

  • Development of art, science, and technology in creative and innovative ways to realize the benefits of the nation.
  • Creation and research of arts needs a special attention to build a scientific taxonomy of art science.
  • Utilization of art works, science, and technology to empower people and to support national and regional development.

>> Cultural enrichment to support the independence and integrity of the nation and the state.

>> Transformation of the organization and management of ISI to develop academic excellence, and to improve efficiency and productivity through the application of the principle of centralization and decentralization of academic administration.

>> Provision of facilities and infrastructure, media-based learning information and communication technology (ICT) to accelerate the achievement of international quality education.

>> ISI network development cooperation with stakeholders and the general public towards democratic society development, fair and prosperous in line with national policy.

5. Strategic Issues

>> National and Global;

  • The arts college has a great opportunity in the nation’s competitiveness.
  • There are a lot of opportunities opened to undertake master or doctorate study in the field of arts, inside and outside the country in order to improve the lecturer’s qualifications.
  • There are various offers of cooperation with other institutions and universities at home and abroad.
  • There are enough funding sources available through the competition.
  • Higher education is changing rapidly due to technological advancement and educational methods which affect the implementation of the institute structure and conventional paradigm.
  • The increasing demands of the society over the graduates for being accepted in the working places.
  • The increasing demands over qualified lectures.

>> Academic;

  • The extensive experiences and academic traditions in a long period of organizing higher education.
  • Competitive programs of studies.
  • The productivity of ISI Denpasar as a center of excellence in arts creation, research, presenter, and conservator is not appropriate yet.
  • Curriculums, learning processes, facilities and infrastructures are not compatible yet.
  • The cooperation networks between ISI Denpasar and the artists, tourism industry, and the society need to be developed.
  • The selection of the newly students intake must be organized independently


>> Capability and Institutional Performance

  • The reputation of STSI Denpasar and PSSRD Udayana University as the embryo of ISI Denpasar has renowned in the national and international levels.
  • The readiness of ISI Denpasar in order to face the globalization of higher education has not been as expected yet


>> Financial Resources;

  • The financial resources of ISI Denpasar are not sufficient yet to support the vision and missions.
  • The public funds are not yet organized well.
  • The government funds allocation has been absorbed according to the set of the programs.
  • The working unitshave notreceivedadequate fundingallocation yet.


>> Human Resources

  • We have an adequate number of academic staffs and non-academic staffs.
  • Most of the academic staffs have a high commitment to serve the institute.
  • The quality and productivity of human resources is not adequate yet, and there is even an inter-organizational gap.
  • The knowledge and skill of the non academic staffs and technicians is not adequate yet.
  • The academicians are not yet being able to implement the changes of scientific mindset paradigm.
  • The academic staff distribution ratio over student in several programs of studies is not yet ideal.
  • The newly enrolled students have excellent quality of talent and motivatio


6. Objectives of Strategic Plan
  • To increasethe education input, process and outputquality, competitiveand relevant to theneeds of the communityin realizingthe excellence so as to be able to competeinlocal, national, regional, andinternational levels.
  • To increase quality research and social service, competitive and relevant to the needs of the community.
  • To develop a system of academic and non-academic quality assurance in order to produce a quality education system to meet the needs of stakeholders.
  • To improve the governance capacityand
  • To increase cooperation in various fields with various parties, inside and outside the country in order to improve the activities quality to meet the three obligations (Tridarma) of higher education.


Our strategic plan will show you a bright way for quality arts education; we will be very delightful to see your successful study in achieving your fututure goal…!!!




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