ISI Denpasar adopts an integrated learning system to lead and guide leacturers, staffs, and students toward a prolific and qualified art education and learning environment . Learning system is applied to make sure every aspects of learning are going perfectly, including; the method of learning, semester credit system, semester credit unit, period of study, academic calendar, passed course, and learning media.
Academic courseworks at Graduate Program of ISI Denpasar are discharged by means of; 1) intensive discouse by experts and art activist; 2) Seminar according to Art Creation and Art Research; 3) Field practice based on the stipulated topic; 4) Studio-based working (performing art, visual art, design, kraft, and photography) with the supervisors accordding to the topic; 5) independent review with the supervisors according to preferance of the research topic; 6) independent working with the suprvisors according to preferance of the creation topic.
The graduate program of ISI Denpasar apply the following media of learning in order to support its learning environment, namely;
- Visual Media
- Non Projector Media (picture, foto, diagram, scheme, chart, graphic.
- Projector Media (OHP, film, slide)
- Audio Media
- Radio
- Cassett-audio
- Audio Visual Media
- Video Media: is a type of audio visual media besides film. It is widely developed for the purposes of learning, and it is commonly on the form of VCD.
- Computer Media: this media has all accesses found no where else in other media. Besides it capability to display text, motion, sound, and picture, a computer allows students to conduct two ways coursework activities interacctively. And computer is even compatible to connect with internet that gives students a wide opportunity to explore source of informations freely over the limit of space.
Material of study is the construction of science, technology, art, design and object of learning that associates a certain field or area of study. In other word, it is indicating an area of study or the core of science/knowledge of the program of study. The Master Program of Art Creation and Art Research analyses, exemines, and reviews pre-historic, traditional, modern, and contemporary artworks and designs. The elements of research object could be the working result (artwork), creating process, art appreciation, art management, etc. In researcching a visual artworks , there are several approaches can be applied, namely; aesthetic, semiotic, historical, anthrophological, sociological, or even phsychological approaches. The analiticalresults could be transformed into artworks or paperworks in the framework of final task in the form of thesis.
There are several courses related to the program of study
Art Creation:
- To investigate and comprehend the velues of local culture as the source of ideas to create brand new creations.
- To conduct experimental activities based on the values of local culture in order to create brand new designs.
- To foster awareness and positive attitude in anticipating outsider influences selectively to strenghten the creational identity; and
- The phases of artwork processing apply a creational method by uploading the detail elements of artwork description of which potentially obtaining IPR recognition.
Art Research:
- To cunduct a comprehend study by optimalizing multidisciplinary and multicultural approaches in order to observe a certain phenomenon based on values of local culture.
- To analyse a problem by applying related theories to support a study based on values of local culture; and
- To produce a science oriented study of art that is derived from the property of local culture
The load of study within the Art Creation Program of ISI Denpasar that students suppose to pursue is about 48 credits encompassing of 14 compulsory credits of the program, 32 main course credits of Art Creation, and 2 elective course credit. Meanwhile, the load of study within the Art Research Program of ISI Denpasar that students suppose to pursue is about 72 credits encompassing 14 compulsory credits of the program, 56 main course credits of Art Research, and 2 elective course credits.
Semester Credit System is an educational organizing system by applying semester credit unit. Graduate education at our campus is organized through a Semester Credit System or locally known as a Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS) in order to denote and to measure academic progress of students, teachers and the program itself. Lectures are organized for about 16 (sixteen) weeks efektively, and also its subsquent activities of assesment for about 2 – 3 (two to three) weeks.
- To give a wide chance for student to complete his/her study as short period as possible.
- To give a wide chance for student in order to arrange a planning to undertake courses based on his/her interest, talent, and capability.
- To allow the possibility for producing multiple outputs and learning outcomes on our education system.
- To simplify the curriculum completion in anticipating the rapid developmet of science, technology, and arts.
- To allow transfer of credits in each programs of studies, faculties, and even interuniversities.
- To allow our student to cange his/her places of studies to other arts instutues, and vice versa.
Semester Credit Unit which is locally known as SKS is a learning unit of time which is adressed for calculating students’ load of study in each week of a semester through various forms of learnings, or through the intensity of success recognition over students’ efforts to pursue curricular activities in a certain program of study. Students’ load of study in a learning process is all denoted in a semester credit unit. One credit unit is equivalent with 160 (one hundred and sixty) minutes of learning activities in each week of a semester. Every courses contain at least 1 (one) credit unit. Semester is a learning unit of time which contains 16 (sixteen) weeks effective learning activities.
Forms of Credits
- 1 (one) credit unit for lecture, response, and tutorial encompasses: 50 (fifty) minutes face to face leacture in each week of a semester., 50 (fifty) minutes lecturing activities with structured assignments in each week of a semester., and 60 (sixty) minutes by self lecturing activities in each week of a semester.
- 1 (one) credit unit in a form of seminar or other similar encompasses: 100 (one hundred) minutes face to face learning in each week of a semester., and 60 (sixty) minutes by self learning activities in each week of a semester.
- 1 (one) credit unit in a form of praticum: workshop, field practise, research, social service, and other similar activities are equivalent with 160 (one hundred and sixty) minutes in each week of a semester.
The period of study is determined for about 4 (four) semesters to undertake master level of study at the Graduate Program of the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar, including the completion of thesis or artwork. The extension of the period of study is allowed for another 4 (four) semester maximumly. Period of study extension must be conducted in a legal framework of academic regulation. The period of study of which has been accessing the legal time limit of maximum extension, an academic sanction will be applied.
Activities and student learning progress can be evaluated periodically in the forms of examinations, assignments, and observations by the lecturer. The examinations can be organized through the middle, comprehensive/final program of study, thesis, and art work exams. Students are allowed to take the final exams when the students have been following the lectures / practicum at minimum 75% (seventy five percent) of the effective lecture schedules. Those students who do not attend a lecture due to illness must be convinced by a medical certificate in order to be allowed following the final exams.