ISI Denpasar has established its vision within its legal framework of duties to become the excellent center of creation, research, provider and arts preservation based on national insight in order to enrich humanism values in accord with the development of age.  To define its vision, ISI Denpasar has reaffirmed its mission, namely;       

  1. Carrying out quality higher education in order to explore and develop plurality and multicultural aspects of national local culture to raise competitiveness within global era.
  2. Producing moralist, creative, unbeatable, excellent and independent graduations.
  3. Increasing researches and community services to support education and development of art, science, and technology.
  4. Developing a sustainable inter-institutional cooperation.
  5. Strengthening institute organization to achieve optimal result for anticipating the development of the environment.

Likewise,  the vision of the Graduate Program within 15 years ahead is to become the center of excellence in art creation and research as well as to play an active role in art and culture for the welfare of the human being. To reach its vision, the Graduate Program of ISI Denpasar defines its missions, namely;

  1. To conduct art creation and research coursework which is based on lokal and national culture.
  2. To prepare numerous distinguishing human resources of which (high quality and sensitively response the rapidly changing world) compete professinally within creativity and art science.
  3. To dinamize public art life.
  4. To conduct coursework in arts through multidescipline and interdescipline approacches.

As it has been mentioned earlier, at the moment the Graduate Program of ISI Denpasar administers graduate education on master level only  with a single program of study such as The Master Program of Arts Creation and Arts Research. However, the Graduate Program is still seeking efforts to prepare and develop for further level of study such as Doctoral level to enrich its leaning environment.

The Master Program of Arts Creation and Arts Research nevertheles defines its vision within 15 years ahead is to produce quality art and cultural graduates for the welfare of human being. To define its vision, The Master Program of Arts Creation and Arts Research has reaffirmed its missions, namely;

  1. To carry out educational activities, research, and art creativity which is based on local and national culture.
  2. To prepare numerous master level of distinguishing human resources of art creation and research of which sensitively response the rapidly changing world.
  3. To administer, to lead, and to develop professional and accountable Master Program of Arts Creation and Arts Research.
  4. To develop an artwork information and publication center.

Within its effort to implement its vision and mission, ISI Denpasar is always concerned to response the cahnge and development of art, science, and technology to increase public intellegence and creativity on the global stage of arts. This reality can be proved through its role in educating and carrying various cultural missions.  ISI Denpasar has been conducting and developing numerous cooperation and partnership very well with parties of both regionally and internationally. ISI Denpasar therefore has shown its unquestioned roles and capabilities  on international relationship. Addressing the potential and role of the ISI Denpasar are appropriately empowered and enhanced its role in the management of human resources.                    

ISI Denpasar has producing a lot of quality graduates and spreading to fill out employment opportunities of both as artists and other art fields either inside or outside the country. Employment opportunities that have been held by the alumni of ISI Denpasar are demanding an increase in the quality of resources in accordance with the rapidly changing world. With the enactment of the law for teachers and lecturers becomes an opportunity and a challenge for the ISI Denpasar to enhance its role in improving human resources in the field of art and culture, while also responding to internal and external demands from other universities in Bali, Nusa Tenggara and East Indonesia who are managing similar programs of studies in place.

Responding to internal and external demands on resource requirements and development of art, science, and technology and the demands of public appreciation that can not be avoided, then the ISI Denpasar organizes graduate programs in accordance with art sciences of the performing arts and fine arts and design as well as other fields that those are carried out during this time. The graduate program administers a single master level program of study such as Art Creation and Art Research, of which along with the following objectives:

  1. To generate excellently creativeand science-based master graduates of art;
  2. To producemaster graduates who are able to use of both local and national tradition of arts as the main subject;
  3. To producemaster graduates with creating capabilities and/or able to assess thenationalculturethroughan interdisciplinaryandmultidisciplinaryapproachas well as being able to meet the following competencies;
    1. To be able tocreateandexpress a variety of ideasintovarious forms of art;
    2. To be able to study and analyze art and culture throuhg interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary ways;
    3. To be able to present creative works of art that can be justified ethically, academically, and aesthetically;
    4. To be able tobuildandmanagea variety ofarts and cultural activitiesin a professional manner.


Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar located in the eastern part of Indonesia, as we all know that each region has a very riched and diversed potential of art and culture. This wealth is a national asset that has an appeal and high competitiveness in the global competition. The wealth of art and culture as a form of civilization and reflects the character of the Indonesian nation that has been recognized worldwide. Rich and high level of culture and civilization need to be explored, nurtured, preserved and developed according to the changing times in order to strengthen the identity and character of the nation in the midst of the global society.

Therefore, administering the graduate program of Art Creation and Art Research has a very significant and strategic benefits in efforts to provide services to the community and in an effort to educate the nation in the field of arts and culture education. By administering graduate program, ISI Denpasar would be able to enhance its role in managing and developing knowledgeable and open resources to development: the arts, science, and technology. That disclosure form can be implemented through a superior ability to create artworks as a demand of public appreciation, and being able to examine the art in accordance with the development of science and technology and the evolving paradigms.

Thus, administering graduate program is beneficial for ISI Denpasar to participate in developing their work in an effort to align the development of art, science, and technology, as well as supplying the scientific quality of workforces to manage the development of art and culture so as to open up new employment opportunities in the community.

The different of  excellences and characteristics between Art Creation and Art Research Program of ISI Denpasar with other arts colleges are the hallmarks of local arts and cultures by accessing the national culture and development of world arts cultures as an element of knowledge development, characteristics that lies in the analysis of multi-culture as the main target as the basis of learning.

Those dvantages and characteristics are supported by local advantages as follows:

Being in the uniquely and diversed Balinese culture as well as beautiful and fascinating natural environment. It has been proved since long time ago that Balinese art and culture to become the object of study and source of inspiration for scientists and great artists;

One sector of development policy in Bali is to become the world leading tourist destination, it accordingly can be used as an opportunity to participate in the development of human resources;

Balinese peoples are renowned with their open attitude and creativity in responding the development of art and culture in the process of acculturation and are able to establish the identity of the local culture and dynamicly responding the demands of the changging of time. It is evident that Bali has good arts community of both performing arts and visual arts that continue to grow and develop in public. This fact can be used to partner in developing education at ISI Denpasar.

Through the above advantages, the Art Creation and Art Research Program of ISI Denpasar can be clearly distinguished with the existing Art Creation and Art Research Program on the other arts colleges in Indonesia


The Art Creation and Art Research Program of ISI Denpasar has a profile as bellow;

  1. The profile of graduates in Art Creation Program are capable to create, analize,  and present diversed ideas through scientific studies into the various forms of art, and academically, ethically, and morally be accountable;
  2. The profile of graduates in Art Research Program  are capable to examine and assess the problems of art and culture with a scientific approach and methodology in the form of scientific papers and academically, ethically, and morally be accountable;
  3. To be able to motivate, inspire and accomodate public appreciation of cultural diversity through the arts;
  4. To be able to develop and manage the cultural arts activities as well as an entrepreneurial attitude;
  5. To be able to cultivate the attitude of tolerance among nations through the arts for achieving the world peace.


The Art Creation and Art Research Program of Study that is organized by the Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar complies with the codification of the program of study in higher education, as determined by the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education No. 163 / DIKTI / Kep / 2007. The Art Creation and Art Research Program of Study helps drive contribution and ease for similar colleges to cooperate in the learning process through a student exchange program with recognized credits.


The curriculum characteristic of the Art Creation and Art Research Program of  ISI Denpasar refers to the exploration of Balinese local arts and cultures that are analyzed, researched, studied, and innovated based on the scientific method reflected in scientific studies based on excellence that differentiates it from other arts college curriculum. Characteristic of the curriculum mentioned as above can be seen in the following composition of the curriculum:
the course works are (i) Art Practice I, II, and III (6 credits), Art Creation I, II, and III (12 credits), (ii) Art Reaserch, I, II, and III (12 credits), Source Language (2 credits), Knowledge of Socio-Culture (2 credits), (iii) Art Research and Art Creation Seminar (4 credits); and (iv) Thesis Proposal (5 credits), Research Seminar (5 credits), Scientific Artwork / Paper (8 credits), Thesis / Artwork (12 credits). The courses emphasize the exploration of local cultures of Bali.


Graduate Program of Study also contributed and ease of international cooperation as what has been proclaimed by the Director General of Higher Education: student mobility and credit transfer at the ASEAN level that starts from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, this program has even been attended by undergraduate students of Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, respectively,  2 students in Malaysia, and two students in Thailand.


Master Program is the main field of study at the Graduate Program of ISI Denpasar of which encompasses  the area of Art Creatian and Art Research. The Art Creation and Art Research Program of study organizes two paths of study, namely: (1) The main path of Art Creation and (2) the main path of Art Research.

At this time, the Art Creation and Art Researh field area of study concern and foster public interest to deepen knowledge and understanding of the arts. In the next 10 years ahead The Art Creation and Art Research Program of study is bellieved to be evolved according to the public needs.

The relevantly professional development in the Art Creation and Art Research of ISI Denpasar is having its own personality  that is derived from the value of Indonesian local cultures as assets of Indonesian art property.  In addition, it is capable of creating and reviewing artworks contextually and professionally, and be able to demonstrate and develop scientific papers within the path of Art Research, and artworks within the path of Art Creation. Thereby, it would be able to contribute ideas and expertise to the public.

Developing creative and innovative ability to create artworks that potentially move on  IPR with the values of the local culture as a source of creation, and also to raise the local culture as an object of study in order to obtain its significance in the form of scientific studies.

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