Since the establishment of ISI Denpasar in 2003, we have experienced a wide range of dynamic moments in the implementation of the institute functions in order to develop skill and character as well as dignified civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, besides, developing students’ potentials to become a sublime people with noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become a democratic citizens in a high responsibility. In the era of globalization, art institute are faced with the opportunities and challenges that continue to change rapidly likewise the decline of the nation’s character. Art is believed to be capable as a prime impetus in establishing the character of the nation. Through education we need to build a “virtual foundation” resulting in Indonesian people who has identity and be proud as a citizen of Indonesia. The virtual foundation is a foundation that is not visible or invisible, firmly imprinted on every citizen of Indonesia, such as ideology, philosophy, and the noble values of nation’s culture in conception unity in diversity. Education of arts can be used for the development of the cultural education and nation’s character. Art is the expression of the human soul (person / group), which successfully manifested into art forms such as performing arts, visual arts and design, literary, and recording  media. The Art form can be achieved after a search process from varied ideas to the further process till the result can be met. Art has the beauty of form and content. The beauty of form is a form of art itself, while the beauty of the content is noble values contained therein. Education has the responsibility of leading the effort to produce a civil society which is characterized by democracy, autonomy and awareness of culturally diverse in one nation.

Indonesian society has a very high diversity of cultural value, not only as an expression of aesthetic value but as a statement of life with a philosophical significant, so that it blends in life. When the form of artistic expression changed, then this change can be interpreted as a change in the attitude of life in society. Therefore, thus ISI is determined to be a source of renewing inspiration at the same time as the spirit of unifying force of the nation. In response to the level of the nation’s cultural diversity, we are as a driving force of creation and research, we requires to widen access unevenly through education, research, and community services of which that those are part of our social responsibility. In addition, the demands of the society is increasingly developed, Therefore, we are obliged to produce high quality graduates who are able to be independent in the world community association, to play an active role in controlling changes in art and culture, to produce work that is able to boost the nation’s excellence, as well as giving impact on economic growth in supporting the national development. We have a great opportunity to play an active role in regional development based on our strategic excellence. We required collateral management arrangements towards independence in determining policies that include education, research, and community service in order to portray an optimal strategic excellence. New arrangement which is based on the principle of self-reliance is as the tools in facilitating the implementation of roles and fulfillment of expectations.

This independence is also necessary to realize our effective institution, qualified and efficiency in the transparent and accountable management. As one of the arts institute of which is located in eastern part of Indonesia, we should be able to be in the forefront of the arts education development quality. Therefore, in order to increase the participation of cultural artistic excellence, we need to develop programs and activities to be oriented toward internationally recognized institute of art by always fostering the prosperity, security and welfare of Indonesian society in particular and humanity in general.



1. Philosophy

Our existence appeared from conservation efforts as a form of our devotional act unto the community. The consideration is assimilated and harmony with the cultural pattern of the society. Thereby, the existence is being eternal and being able to give greater results and benefits for the community

2. Basic Principles
  • Universality of the art and the beauty as well as the subjectivity of appreciation in
  • order to achieve the true reality, aesthetic quality, and moral aesthetic.
  • Academic freedom was conducted very wise with high responsibility.
  • Civilization, utility, happiness, humanity and welfare.
  • Actualization of values of state ideology in academic life.
  • Superior undergraduate education.
  • Research and community service quality.
  • Independent management, transparency, efficiency, and the institution priority.
  • Centralized administration that supports academic decentralization
3. Basic Valuess
  • Personality, honest, fair, integrity, and polite.
  • Creative, innovative, dynamic, effective, efficient and qualified.
  • Independent, open and accountable, and Insightful on local, national, regional, and global
4. Outcomes Education is subjected to produce graduates;

>> Competent, faithful, and righteous.

  • Responsible for the welfare of the community
  • Has the academic and professional capability.
  • Capable in implementing, developing and enriching the art insight, science and technology.
  • High integrity and vision on the local culture, national, regional, and global.
  • Independent, creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial.

>> Research and community service;

  • Development of art, science, and technology in creative and innovative ways to realize the benefits of the nation.
  • Creation and research of arts needs a special attention to build a scientific taxonomy of art science.
  • Utilization of art works, science, and technology to empower people and to support national and regional development.

>> Cultural enrichment to support the independence and integrity of the nation and the state.

>> Transformation of the organization and management of ISI to develop academic excellence, and to improve efficiency and productivity through the application of the principle of centralization and decentralization of academic administration.

>> Provision of facilities and infrastructure, media-based learning information and communication technology (ICT) to accelerate the achievement of international quality education.

>> ISI network development cooperation with stakeholders and the general public towards democratic society development, fair and prosperous in line with national policy.



5. Strategic Issues

>> National and Global;

  • The arts college has a great opportunity in the nation’s competitiveness.
  • There are a lot of opportunities opened to undertake master or doctorate study in the field of arts, inside and outside the country in order to improve the lecturer’s qualifications.
  • There are various offers of cooperation with other institutions and universities at home and abroad.
  • There are enough funding sources available through the competition.
  • Higher education is changing rapidly due to technological advancement and educational methods which affect the implementation of the institute structure and conventional paradigm.
  • The increasing demands of the society over the graduates for being accepted in the working places.
  • The increasing demands over qualified lectures.

>> Academic;

  • The extensive experiences and academic traditions in a long period of organizing higher education.
  • Competitive programs of studies.
  • The productivity of ISI Denpasar as a center of excellence in arts creation, research, presenter, and conservator is not appropriate yet.
  • Curriculums, learning processes, facilities and infrastructures are not compatible yet.
  • The cooperation networks between ISI Denpasar and the artists, tourism industry, and the society need to be developed.
  • The selection of the newly students intake must be organized independently


>> Capability and Institutional Performance

  • The reputation of STSI Denpasar and PSSRD Udayana University as the embryo of ISI Denpasar has renowned in the national and international levels.
  • The readiness of ISI Denpasar in order to face the globalization of higher education has not been as expected yet


>> Financial Resources;

  • The financial resources of ISI Denpasar are not sufficient yet to support the vision and missions.
  • The public funds are not yet organized well.
  • The government funds allocation has been absorbed according to the set of the programs.
  • The working unitshave notreceivedadequate fundingallocation yet.


>> Human Resources

  • We have an adequate number of academic staffs and non-academic staffs.
  • Most of the academic staffs have a high commitment to serve the institute.
  • The quality and productivity of human resources is not adequate yet, and there is even an inter-organizational gap.
  • The knowledge and skill of the non academic staffs and technicians is not adequate yet.
  • The academicians are not yet being able to implement the changes of scientific mindset paradigm.
  • The academic staff distribution ratio over student in several programs of studies is not yet ideal.
  • The newly enrolled students have excellent quality of talent and motivatio


6. Objectives of Strategic Plan
  • To increasethe education input, process and outputquality, competitiveand relevant to theneeds of the communityin realizingthe excellence so as to be able to competeinlocal, national, regional, andinternational levels.
  • To increase quality research and social service, competitive and relevant to the needs of the community.
  • To develop a system of academic and non-academic quality assurance in order to produce a quality education system to meet the needs of stakeholders.
  • To improve the governance capacityand
  • To increase cooperation in various fields with various parties, inside and outside the country in order to improve the activities quality to meet the three obligations (Tridarma) of higher education.




Our strategic plan will show you a bright way for quality arts education; we will be very delightful to see your successful study in achieving your fututure goal…!!!

